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noel@aungst.net with questions or comments :)
Trip to Oregon in May of 2008
When did our trip start? Well, on Friday, May 23, 2008 Diana and Noel
drove the Camry, loaded and ready to go, to Arvada and picked Dick and Sally up,
using their car, and drove to Fort Collins so we could all attend Harry's
graduation ceremony. (click this link for that event's coverage). Then about 5p we
arrived back in Arvada and we took off west! That, I guess is the start . . .
First night was spent in Meeker, CO (at the Valley Motel - not up to our
usual Motel 6 standard except the price :) Some snow over the pass between
Rifle and Meeker but we made it in by 930p - exhausted. Gas in Rifle was our
price highpoint of $4.15 per . . .
May 24, 2008 - Up and off early (7a+) to Dinosaur, CO and the Visitors
Center for Dinosaur National Monument. We learned the road (dirt) we had planned
to take was impassable. Noel had taken it many years ago and remembers the
beautiful view at the junction of the Green and Yampa rivers. This location also
has some wonderful Petroglyphs. Oh well . . . another time. We journeyed an hour
west to the Paleontology section and Visitors Center. Here we learned that the
covered "dig" area had been closed due to structural problems. Another bummer .
. . We did take a nice hike here and Diana got a sweatshirt (on sale!) as the day
was cooler than expected - as was the whole trip. The trail was unimproved and
few others on it and we saw some examples of large (3ft+) fossilized bones. That
was worth the trip :)
Entering Dinasaur, CO
Dinosaur, CO townhall
Entering Dinosuar National Monument - CO unit
Building were public dig used to be . . .
Diana at trailhead
Diana examining tiny fossils in the rocks
See 'em?
Clam fossils
Diana and Noel in front of fossil cliffside
White arrow pointing out fossils still in the rock.
Large fossil leg bone
Clearer view of another bone-fossil.
View across the valley on loop drive
Display in Visitor's Center
Turtle Rock on Scenic Drive
. . . closer look
This unit is in Utah, barely. Our next stop is Vernal, UT - lunch in the park
- for a few pictures of dino statues - it considers itself the real Dinosaur
capitol of the west - and then on to Ogden, UT. A long and beautiful drive. We
did find a squished penny machine at the Ogden Union Station. Yeah! The night
was spent at the Washington St. Motel 6 in Ogden. Needs updating but room was
clean and nice. Nighty-night!
Just one of many dino displays in Vernal, UT
Diana at Squished Penny machine in Ogden
Diana and Noel in front of Union Station in Ogden
May 25, 2008 - Our previous day was shorter than expected (due to road
and exhibit closures) so we turned in early and rose early today. That results
in moving up our arrival time to Diana's folk home in Bend, OR. But I'm getting
ahead . . . our primary adventure is at Craters of the Moon National Monument.
Noel had planned this as a quick stop - only a couple of hours off the route-
but it turned out to be a place to spend quite a lot of time and we could've
hiked several more trails. As it was, time permitting, we hiked to and through
Indian Tunnel (a lava tube). A great cave for those that aren't good in caves
(like Noel). His heart raced a bit but made it the 800ft and out the back exit.
The lava tube had several "skylights" and unmarked paths in an enclosed area
sometimes 40ft high and ending in a exit about 5 ft high. The biggest issue was
a "snow slide" that won't be there as a factor in a few more weeks. This area
had the largest variety and total area of volcanic rock we've ever seen (and
Diana grew up in volcano rock country of central Oregon).
A view from Craters of the Moon National Monument Visitors Center. Camp in that?
View of campsites
Others hiking up cinder covered hill
Lava Rock
Snow still in exposed lava tube
Look at trail up lava hills
Diana and Noel with lave spouts in background.
. . . more . . .
Description of the area
. . . "frozen" lava flow
Larger lava rock
Closer look with other minerals for color
Diana reading about the geology of the area
. . . rocky pathway
Some flowers peeking through
Snow still remains
More of the interesting facts
Warning about entering lava tubes
More info
Warning and stairway to . . .
Inside a lava tube
"skylight" in lava tube-tunnel
Light at the end of the tunnel (about 800ft.)
Snow slide along the path, in the tube
Look for the way out
Diana climbing out of the tube
Looking along the tube from the topside
Kairns marking path back
More hearty flowers
Another cave
Lava rock
more of the flow
Interesting lines of frozen flow
On to Bend, through some rain and the required stop in Vale, OR for Dairy
Queen, we arrived about 930p PDT.
May 26, 2008 - Slept late! Been needing to catch up :) Pat, Diana and
Noel went out to Michaels and got Diana some "pretties" for her Bday (a week or
so back, May 14). Got lots of food for the day (it is Memorial Day). We made
guacamole, corn-on the-cob, watermelon, fresh asparagus, wild rice, mashed
potatoes, and Ed ran out and got a HUGE sheet cake with Noel's favorite, butter
cream frosting. We all, especially Noel, ate too much. Then a short walk around
the neighborhood (shadows finally appeared). A nice day topped off with a game of
May 27, 2008 - Similar day . . . added a drive around town for Diana
to reminisce, finishing with a drive up Pilot Butte. It's a prominent "mountain"
in Bend that she and friends and family would often climb.
A map (of bronze) on the top of Pilot Butte, in Bend, OR
Showing some of the improvements on the Butte
Looking north . . .
A memorial for the funding of the improvements
A description of the "fabled high desert of eastern Oregon".
Diana and Noel on Pilot Butte
May 28, 2008 - We slept later than expected but that was OK .Noel had
installed a CDRW in their computer and it had a problem but Noel quickly found
the issue and solved it. Load up with some new supplies (a lamp, some candles,
food . . . stuff) and off by noon-thirty or so. We took the scenic route across
the mountains to Lonergan's cabin in Lincoln City, along US101, on the Pacific.
A really cool, small get away in a nice town. What a treasure! We holed up for
the night, watched a movie and got an early-to-bed, early-to-rise approach to
the night.
"Aum"ville . . . along the way to the coast
Crane working in log yard along the way.
Another view . . .
The "summit" of Murphy Mountain :)
"Otis" . . . along the way
From our visit to Devils Lake, near the cabin.
Diana resting in the living area of the cabin.
The outside, from the road.
It's historic markings . . .
May 29, 2008 - Up and at-em! Stop by Walgreens for Imitrex, a quick
drive through Devil's Lake State Park and then search for Squished Penny
machines. The two in Lincoln City hadn't opened by the time we wish to get going
so we headed south on US101. The first stop is an overlook at Cape Foulweather.
Beautiful and a true Squish Penny believer! We continue to Depoe Bay and
Squished Penny machine hunting but these places weren't open yet either.
Finally, in Newport, we hit the mother lode of Squished Pennies! A machine in
two locations along the Bayfront Historical Area and four Squished Penny and one
Squished Quarter machine in the Newport Aquarium. Noel got some Clam Chowder and
Fish and Chips at "World Famous Mo's" (to go) and we stopped along a road side
park to make Diana a salad and to eat the "to go" food. Across the "mountains"
again (for our Colorado friends: we missed a picture of a sign that tells us we
were at the "summit" of some mountain at 367ft. :) to I5 and we head north to
meet with Diana's sister and hubby, Sean, for dinner and conversation. A very
nice home in St. Helens, OR they recently moved into. It's a great place with an
even greater view across the river and of Mt. St. Helens and other peaks (on a
clear day, which this wasn't). We left about 7p and headed north in Washington
and another restful evening.
Along the coast, near Lincoln City
Same area's coastline
One of the "famous" rhodedendrum of the area
Another of the "famous" rhodedendrum of the area
At Cape Foulweather - note the signs :)
From the overlook
Mechanical fortune teller in the gift shop - our fortune calls for "calm seas"
Another overlook
Looking toward the south
Harry's Baitshop (in Newport)
Sealions in Newport
Sealions and gulls on a rock in the bay at Newport |
Warning and plea about hurt sealions
A neat bike rack in Newport
The Newport Aquarium
Teresa and Sean Dillon (Diana's sister and husband) outside their home
The Lewis and Clark Bridge into Washington
From the bridge
Look across the to Washington
May 30, 2008 - We started a great day in Astoria, OR. First to the
"Astoria Column" - an amazing 125ft. sculpture outlining significant events and
area in the Astoria area. Next to Fort Stevens, in Hammond, OR and got out first
squished pennies of the many that day. This is a WWII fort - very interesting.
It's the only location on the continental United States, since the War of 1812,
to be fired on (a Japanese sub during WWII).
Astoria column
The spiral staircase inside the column was closed . . . sucks :)
Diana and Noel with the river and ocean behind
Bronze map of the area
Bridge to Washington
Diana looking across the beach to the Pacific
Next stop was Seaside, OR and squished pennies from the "Carousel Mall" and
the Aquarium. A very cute town and the local high school kids were having a day
off there. Even more fun to watch them . . . Cannon Beach, OR was next and we
nearly got stuck driving a sandy road to the beach. We found another Squished
Penny machine at a fudge-taffy-ice cream shop and sample some of their wares. We
found, next a place park and walk the beach at an area names the "Haystacks".
You may know them even if you've never been there before. They are
picture-perfect postcard examples of the Pacific coastline.
Directory in Seaside, OR
Warning board along beach . . . including Tsunami
looking south . . .
southward, too
Diana and Noel along trail to lighthouse at Cape
Sign about the wildlife
Sealions galore
More scenery
Tillamook Rock lighthouse, in the distant
The lighthouse - taken through a telescope
Look toward Tillamook (south)
Diana walking the beach near Haystack Rocks
Storm to the south
Diana on the beach at Cannon Beach
Ranger telling of the dangers of climbing around the area
Haystack Rock
Diana and Noel in front of it
Heading further south down US101 is Flamingo Jims at Rockaway Beach, OR. A
souvenir shop that was extra cute and had a Squished Penny machine, too.
Perfect! Next is the Tillamook dairy for a tour and sample and squished pennies. A tad further south is Cape Mears lighthouse. The shortest lighthouse
in Oregon (or as a bumper sticker we saw reads: "ORYGUN") at 37 feet.
Tillamook dairy
Diana climbing the stairs at Cape Mears lighthouse
Cape Mears lighthouse
Overlook in front of the lighthouse
Diana and Noel in front of the lighthouse
The Octopus Tree at Cape Mears
Descriptive sign about the tree
Looking south along the trail to the tree
Another Squished Penny machine is at the Air Museum outside Tillamook. After
that we head east, through Portland and a couple of scenic stops along the way
to our Motel 6 for this night in Pendleton, OR. Had a good look at Mt. Hood,
Giant hanger at the air museum
Side of the hanger
Mt. Hood from Portland
Horsetail falls along I84 and the Columbia River
Sign about it . . .
May 31, 2008 - Up late and headed east. We found Squished Penny
machines at Pojo's, the Discovery Center, and the Zoo in Boise, ID. Also at the
airport and Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, ID. Evanston, WY for the night.
Shoshone Falls, along the Snake River, Twin Falls, ID
Diana and Noel in front of the falls
Taller than Niagra . . .
Looking down the Snake River, few miles from where Evel Knievel attempt to jump the canyon.
A hole along the rim
June 1, 2008 - About a 6 hour trip home . . . we look at Windsor on
the way to see how cleanup was coming and then an early bedtime. A great trip
was had by all . . .