Grist mill in park
Diana in front of old church
Diana on the tour bus
Boat on the San Antonio river along the walk
Diana with flower wreath
Statue in street
convention hall
Space needle outside convention center
Diana behind convention center
Diana on cement bridge sculpted like trees
Boat "float" in river parade
another "float"
and another
Diana at the Alamo
Diana at fountain in the Alamo
Diana in front of the church at the Alamo
Work being done across from the Alamo
Statue representing founders of San Antonio
Statue of founder
Across from the Alamo
Outside a mall in the 'burbs
Diana on bridge of cement trees
closer look at a cement tree
same bridge
Diana in oriental garden
Noel in the oriental garden
The oriental gardens under reconstruction
Cement tree
duck in the park
cement "tree" house