Young Harry

Found pics of some of the life and times of Harry Aungst!

Harry in Trefoil, Camp Coffin, BDSR Shotgun range at BDSR In Harrison, Ohio Riding an ironing board in/on White Sands Nat'l Monument Practing a skit for that night's campfire Flag ceremony by Troop 299 in Coffin Harry climbimg (Carter Lake?) Cousin Cassandra, Harry and Grandpa Aungst Harry and Falcor and a Tiny John Deere (get it?) Grandpa and Harry in our garden Grandma, Grandpa and Harry (in AZ) Grandpa, George and Harry Grandma and Harry in sandbox Grandpa and Harry in Tombtone Tshirt Grandma sent Harry climbing and all chalked up Harry climbing Devil's Tower, WY Harry building grandma's shed in Loveland Climbing wall in Ft Collins Hey!